Tom Smothers, the legendary comedian and one-half of the iconic Smothers Brothers duo, has passed away at the age of 86 after a courageous battle with cancer. His brother, Dick Smothers, announced the sad news, sharing that Tom peacefully passed away at home, surrounded by his loving family in Sonoma County, California on Tuesday.
Dick Smothers expressed his deep affection and appreciation for his brother, highlighting their remarkable bond both on and off the stage. He said, “Tom was not only the loving older brother that everyone would want in their life, he was a one-of-a-kind creative partner.
I am forever grateful to have spent a lifetime together with him, for over 60 years. Our relationship was like a good marriage – the longer we were together, the more we loved and respected one another. We were truly blessed.”
In memory of Tom Smothers, Dick and his wife, Marie, have requested that memorial donations be made to the National Comedy Center. This remarkable tribute serves as a testament to Tom’s lifelong dedication to bringing laughter and joy to people worldwide.